Health Office

Welcome to the JRMS/CHS Health Office

The Jaffrey-Rindge Middle School and Conant High School has two full time school registered nurses during regular school hours. Each school nurse is available through the school day to offer health care to students who experience either chronic or acute health problems. To reach the Health Office, please call 603-532-8131 ext. 226.

Sometimes it is difficult to know what to do when your child is ill, when to send them to school and when to keep them at home. The very basic rule of thumb is that if they have a fever of 100 F or greater they should stay home until they are fever free with out any fever-reducing medications for 24 hours. If they are vomiting or have diarrhea, they should stay home. The Monadnock Pediatrics Group web site is a good source for information about various symptoms.

When Students Get Sick At School

When students are feeling ill, they should report as soon as possible to the Health Office to be assessed by the School Nurse. Students may NOT contact their parents directly to be dismissed when they are ill. They MUST be dismissed through the Health Office and then sign out in the main office.

Parents are encouraged to communicate any health-related issues concerning their son/daughter to the nurse, and may be assured that all such information will be kept confidential.


Prescribed medication should not be taken during school hours if it is possible to achieve the medical regimen at home during other than school hours. Non-prescribed medication will not be encouraged during school hours.

However, should a students condition necessitate the administration of medication during school hours, the nurse must be contacted, and the medication, in the original pharmacy container, with physicians written orders, must be maintained by the nurse in the health office. The medication should be delivered to the health office by the parent or guardian, not the student.


Please make sure to consult the New Hampshire School Immunization Requirements by the NH Department of Health and Human Services for information about immunizations that are required before your student can attend school. To enter 6th grade in NH, a student is required to have all of the immunizations that are required for grade school as well as TDap. Exceptions include if the student turns 11 on or after the first day of school, medical exemptions (which require a medical waiver from the student's MD), or a religious waiver (which has to be signed).

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